Friday, December 30, 2011

As 2012 approaches:)

I am staying positive that it has to be a better year than 2011......This past year was a terrible one for many people, I dont think that I have met a person yet that has stated, "2011 was the best year ever! I hate to see it go!" lol

As for resolutions sake.....I always make one and I usually meet the goal that I make, not because I constantly think about that new years resolution all year long but that when I make that goal I have thought it over so long that I MUST proceed! 2011 goal was to lose weight and to get to my lifetime weight with WW.....2012 goal is to continue with weight loss for about 5-10 more pounds that are hanging on AND ride more! I was so busy focusing on losing weight walking every spare moment that I had, I only rode my horse maybe a handful of times this past year, 2012? I WILL ride even if I have to do it alone!:)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter blah!:(

I know I know! Today is the exact first day of winter and I feel like my SAD is already in full effect! I am gonna try to nip it in the butt and compensate with the tanner but its gonna be a difficult task to feat..... I hate this time of the year for many reasons but the lack of sunshine takes a seat at the very top of my list! Grrrrr Heres to hopin the sun pokes thru!

Monday, December 19, 2011

I live for...

Weekends like this past one! Productive and fun;) Chad and I went shopping both friday night after work in Kalamazoo and saturday all day at bronners and birch run;) We got an Xbox 360 with Kinect for Christmas from Chads parents! I got the just dance game and whew! What a workout! Here it is monday morning and back to work for me on this long holiday work week and weekend....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Scale and NON scale VICTORY!:)

I walked today AND went the gym, followed WW to a "T" and had to force myself to eat more food JUST to make my daily points target.........Hopped on the scale at 930 at night and I was DOWN to 162#! Goal stop #1.........Make room:) Here I come!

I am accepting.....

My own personal challenge of getting to 160 by the first of January! Weight Watchers recently introduced the new add ons for the Points Plus program and just from going back to 2 meetings in a row has motivated me to jump BACK on the wagon and head towards my next goal!:)  Currently standing at 162.4 at this point, a goal of 160 may not seem like much......But if I survive through the holidays with everyone bringing in crap to work, homemade candy....cookies.....You name it! Chad and I also finally made it back to the gym! Every little bit helps!:)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Made it through a full moon work weekend!:)

I love my job:) I love being a nurse:) But anyone who is one knows that working around ( a full week before and a full week after) a FULL moon usually means trouble.....When I seen that the full moon this month fell smack dab on my weekend to work after being off the ladder half of the week due to illness, I began to fret a slight bit:( But I made it!:)

"…although the days are busy and the workload is always growing, there are still those special moments when someone says or does something and you know you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. That’s why I became a nurse."

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Welcome to my world:)

Thats right! My weekend of work! Somedays I wish that I would have chosen a teacher as my profession, how envious I am of weekends and summers off.......And snow days........Ahhhhh No wonder everyone that I graduated with seems to have went into education....LOL......Someone PLEASE remind me in my NEXT 30 years to jump on that wagon! May this weekend and full moon go fast! AND smooth:)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I guess one could say.....

Im ADDICTED to shellac! I love the shit! Lmfao I have tried and tried to revert back to regular nail polish but the smudging, chipping and having to paint my nails every 2 or so days has led me straight back to good ole shellac!;) Yes I know which place in town has the best prices.....yes I know which place in town does theirs to last.......This stuff is a God send for someone like me whom has to wash their hands a million times a day and I can still come out with pretty hands ( After a little lotion that is!) So any of you readers out there who havent tried this yet.....Make a move!:)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tis The FREAKING season!

Halfway through lunch today I started feeling very nauseated and weak, yesterday it was the diarrhea and headache for 2 days prior to that.......I kept making excuses for what it might have been and what might have caused those little mishaps......Well 2011 is not gonna go out for this girl without a bout of the FLU! Ugh......One of the perks of the profession:( I always seem to get what everyone else DOESNT want!

Monday, December 5, 2011

This weather.....

DEPRESSES me! This is the view from the med room ( AKA: my break area) at work.... This rainy ass weather is really starting to wear on me. On another note: weight watchers is revealing some new pieces to their program at tonights meeting, one is a plus to me being a lifetime member;) FREE etools!!! YAY! I pay $13 a month now to have the access to internet program through WW as a lifetime member now which I have ALWAYS thought was bs cause isnt the incentive to reaching lifetime status free everything?! Getting back to WW meetings and working out at the school are on my agenda this week!;)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy Weekend off to me!

AND thank God for small favors!:) lol I swear he from above knows exactly when I am at my breaking point and rewards me with a weekend off from work:) I got up this AM bright and early and cleaned the whole house with the help of my wonderful boyfriend Chad:) We went and got groceries for the week and it looks like we may be heading into town to help prepare the space for the Jimmies Towing christmas party tomorrow!:) Toodles!:)