I am staying positive that it has to be a better year than 2011......This past year was a terrible one for many people, I dont think that I have met a person yet that has stated, "2011 was the best year ever! I hate to see it go!" lol
As for resolutions sake.....I always make one and I usually meet the goal that I make, not because I constantly think about that new years resolution all year long but that when I make that goal I have thought it over so long that I MUST proceed! 2011 goal was to lose weight and to get to my lifetime weight with WW.....2012 goal is to continue with weight loss for about 5-10 more pounds that are hanging on AND ride more! I was so busy focusing on losing weight walking every spare moment that I had, I only rode my horse maybe a handful of times this past year, 2012? I WILL ride even if I have to do it alone!:)