Monday, April 27, 2009

Back in the Saddle....And I'm holding the reins!

So spring is FINALLY in full swing and I am trying to enjoy everyday activities when I am not tied down to work or school.....Still patiently awaiting the results of the selection process of the Fall 2009 Transition RN program......starts on May 18th......I hate this last minute shit!

On the diet front I am really "Back in the saddle and holding the reins"......After about a month of a "slum" so to say I broke down and hopped back on the diet bandwagon and weighed in at 167.4 this week! Thats a .6 loss since last week and a total of an 8.4 or something loss since joining WW online back in January.....Doesnt that sound pretty crappy????!!!! I think so! But people are constantly commenting on me "Getting TOO skinny" at work and everywhere! FUCK THEM! Especially when it comes from someone who has NEVER been fat in their whole entire life.....I just wish for once they would have to feel what us "Fat girls" feel on a daily basis!!! hahah

So I am going to try to get some walking back in on a daily basis......The wind and the rain that we have been having is REALLY deterring me from any form of exercise, Rj was even laid off last week and I only got like 4 walks in due to the weather and my busy schedule........Ugh! Good luck ladies! Lets get back at this together!


  1. congrats on the loss!! i have been having a hard time staying on it!!! Soon...soon i will be able to walk again!!

  2. I am being terrible at the diet! I am back though:) I want to look good this summer!

  3. Congrats on the loss!...this past month has been crappy. I totally feel ya on the thin girls...Hopefully one day their metabolism will die and then they WILL know what it feels like!

  4. And might I add, you are wearing a sweatshirt and look very thin! So your hard work is not in vain!!
