Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools! And I feel like one!!

Ugh! I am having the hardest time with getting my walking in without Sarah, I just cant push myself as hard and as far without the motivation of my dear friend.....hahah This weather does not help me much either when the sun does not shine or better yet when it does its windy as fuck and you eat every piece of hair on your head! I am bitter at the moment and kinda feeling a little down in the dumps lately.......This weekend is going to be bad with the horrible eating that I may endure....I am actually trying to think of ways to eat healthy while on the road.......Wish me luck! Mondays weigh in may not be pleasent!


  1. lol..good luck! BUt have fun too!!!! we will walk again soon!

  2. Good luck! I have found that a salad at dinner will sometimes keep me from eating my heart at restaurants. But it is a small vacay. must enjoy!
