LOL I think summertime is FINALLY here! Which means Kristi has LESS time for internet, LESS time for Facebook, and LESS time for Blogger:) So I have been walking needless to say but this past week has been a little off due to the damn rain in Michigan! I have accomplished walking EVERY day I work! Yay me! I missed my WW meeting tonight so I will be back with the weigh results next week!:)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Day Deuce Deuce!
Got two 25 minute walks in at with an unbrella and the other I dodged the rain:) Its cold.....wet......gloomy......I hope to get a long walk in tomorrow on my day off......I have been feeling lazy the last couple days without a long walk at night:(
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 #21.......:(

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Today was ashitty....Uh I mean not so nice day.....I got one 30 minute walk in at work and it has rained ever second since then! I feel SOOOO lazy! I have acquired that "exercize high" that every athlete talks about.....The results of walking are endless for me! So I am laying low and takin it easy....headed to the Tattoo parlour for Chad to take his tattoo virginity!:)
Today was a
Day 20!
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Look at that look of determination! LOL I took this on my 4 mile walk around the country roads in Concord....I REALLY wanted to skip this walk but forced myself because tuesday is weigh in day!:) I stay the exact same as last week at weigh in....I guess its better than a gain but I dont understand it because I have not cheated at all.....even when nice chocolaty chewy brownies have stared me down! LOL But as I am posting this the next day I weighed in at 161.....2 pounds LESS than yesterday! Ugh! 3 more pounds for my ultimate personal goal.....I hope it doesnt take me all summer to get there! I walked 7 miles again tuesday:)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 19.....
Walkin that country mile!;) Well....4 miles to be exact....7 miles logged and completed today!;) So peaceful and relaxing out
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
Day 18......Swains Lake walk!:)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Summer time fun!
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I love this part about the summer! Dressing up the deck this year.....last years mission was to complete and pay for the deck.....This year? To spruce it up some:)We have made a couple trips to Sandys Landscape supply to get some river rocks....I am SOOOOO done with Mulch.......Free range chickens and mulch do NOT go good together:(
Day Seventeen:)
Day 16:)
I walked at work today....for 50 minutes total:) I mowed the lawn using the riding lawnmower when I got to soak up some sun! Went hot tubbing at night at a friends house and had the "new bathing suit debut" And it was a hit! Size medium.....Looking slim as ever!:) Boob support was at a minimum though....Thats the only down side:(
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Day #15....walk walk walk
Thats my day! WALK WALK WALK:) Walked at work again....twice:)=50 minutes of exercise! Then waited for Chad to get home and walked up town in Concord to get a little bit of people watching in for an hour.....I feel the addiction setting in:)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 14:)
Two whole weeks! Yea I have exercised everyday in some way for 2 whole weeks except one day due to the rain:) Today I met Sarah in at Cascades and did 2 laps around the long path (1.8 miles) and 1 lap around the short path (1.3 miles) It was equal to 4.5 miles and burnt 407 calories according to my Cardio trainer for android:) LOL
Then when Chad got home we went for a 4 mile bike ride around the country block for 30 minutes:) I am down for the count!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 13
Blah blah blah...rain rain rain....Only got one 25 minute walk on first break today:( AND the 9 blocks we walked in the rain to and from Comerica park when the game got rained out! NOT my idea of an excellent tigers game! Grrrrrrr
Monday, May 16, 2011
Cha Ching!
This chick.........MET LIFETIME AT WEIGHTWATCHERS! I weighed in at 163 and my goal was 165.....Ultimately I would like to see 160 on my scale but I am super happy right where I am and where I have come from:) I am:
- Comfortable in a size 10 jeans!
- Wearing size medium dresses and shirts!
- Eating better.....feeling better........Becoming more active...
- I am 26 # lighter than this time last year!
- I have lost 74# since initially starting WW in 2005:)
- And only 13# from high school graduation weight of 150# when I thought I was SOOOO fat I couldnt possibly go on......LOL
- AND I am 24.1 on the BMI scale......that is nice and snuggly in the middle of the "Healthy Weight" range:)
I love where I have come from and Love where I am headed!:)
Day 12:
Back to work for me means back to the ole routine:) Walked on break for a total of 50 minutes total at work, then walked by myself around Concord ( Believe me if I wasnt weighing in at WW tonight I would have totally skipped!) for an hour:) I am headed off to the Monday night WW meeting at Western High School and hopefully meeting lifetime! Wish me luck!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Days number eight through eleven:
Blogger was down for a couple days and I was busy the rest! Thursday I walked at work and at home with Sarah for our usual amount.....Friday Sarah and I had a lunch date planned for Olive Gardens Unlimited Soup Salad minus the breadsticks so we walked the 3.5 mile trek around Concord prior to:) Saturday Chad, I and family participated in the 1.5 mile walk around Cascades for the Paws in the Park benefit to raise money for the Cascades Humane Society....Doggies in tow to participate:) Today.....well today Mother Nature was a bitch so we went to the Battle Creek mall to soak up free book reading time at Barnes and Noble and we walked around the mall:) That was the extent of it since the rain just keeps on coming......But I am VERY proud to announce that I made it through the ENTIRE weekend tracking and NOT going over my points!:) Weighing in tomorrow at Western High School meeting a day early due to the Tigers game we are attending tuesday night:) Wish me luck! Last week I was 6 tenths of a pound from Lifetime WW goal!:)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Just noticed....Im almost readty:)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Day #7
Sweet sweet summertime:) Oh How I love thee and have missed thee:) Well todays exercise I walked at work for 50 minutes and I MUST add I sweated my ASS OFF! It was quite muggy today but I am NOT bitching.....YET! lol I plan on trying to get a walk in this evening if the "thunderstorm" that they have been threatening holds off:)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day Number Six
History is repeating itself:) Walked at work today for 50 minutes total on breaks and I am within minutes of walking out to meet Sarah at the Concord Falling waters trailhead to make our daily trek around good ole Concord:) Then off to WW weigh in we go! I am crossing every finger and every toe for a loss this week! Wish me luck!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Jumped Back on!
I feel like I have fallen off the weight loss wagon a little bit the last couple weeks......
- I havent been tracking every single bite, lick, or taste like I should....
- I find myself gorging on unhealthy options when eating out on the weekends......
- My life was NOT controlled by my nightly walks like it should be.....
So I am back on the wagon, walking like a fool.....AND I am GOING to get this last 3# off and reach lifetime and NOT have to pay $40 a month to WW anymore and be FREE!:)
Day #5
Walkin on break at work.....50 minutes total here.....then plans to walk with Sarah and the dogs ay 330 around Concord....Im back! Spring has really sprung......notice the blooming pear tree???
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Day #4

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Today I made sure that I woke right up and went for at least an hour walk! Chad and I went out, dogs in tow, and walked around the country block at our house.......It took us 65 minutes and then we landscaped!:) See the above picture.....we are making progress on cleaning stuff up around here:) We powerwashed the house and garage, burned a pile of wood rubbish that had taken ownership of the back cement pad, and rototilled the garden that I cannot WAIT to plant!:) Tomorrow starts a new week and my goal is to walk at least twice at work everyday and to walk everynight when I get outta work:) Hopefully my walking partner Sarah's blisters have healed!
Today I made sure that I woke right up and went for at least an hour walk! Chad and I went out, dogs in tow, and walked around the country block at our house.......It took us 65 minutes and then we landscaped!:) See the above picture.....we are making progress on cleaning stuff up around here:) We powerwashed the house and garage, burned a pile of wood rubbish that had taken ownership of the back cement pad, and rototilled the garden that I cannot WAIT to plant!:) Tomorrow starts a new week and my goal is to walk at least twice at work everyday and to walk everynight when I get outta work:) Hopefully my walking partner Sarah's blisters have healed!
Day #3
Well saturday pretty much sucked for exercise.....We went to the Hillsdale auction and walked around alot there and we went shopping around with Chads parents so I guess that counts as a day of exercise but its not typically what I would like to count....Onward!
Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Hows that for some exciting toes???? LOL I have been wanting to try out the new stickers that pose as polish for a couple weeks but since I get my nails on my hands shellac-ed every couple weeks I havent been able to try it out.....Then the lightbulb came on! DUH! Put it on your toes silly! So here it is!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Wanted this once since last year....

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Horse shoes tattoo:)

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Day #2
I made 2 twenty five minute walks around the block at work......3 miles tracked so far;) I may muster up enough ambition to walk by my lonesome around concord for another 3.5 miler.....we'll see....
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Thursday, May 5, 2011
Today was a super busy after work kinda day....All week has been like this with tattoos, WW, and the salon today, I manages to get two 25 minute walks knocked out on break at work, I wasnt feeling super great today due to lack of sleep received last night so I walked a little slower than I normally would have but....I DID IT!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
100 day workout challenge:)
I have decided to do a 100 day workout challenge JUST for my own benefit and to keep my willpower strong throughout the summer....10 minutes of any activity counts for the day and I am going to try REALLY hard to update daily:) This sets me till about August 19th....If you would like join in and steal my idea to provide yourself some activity challenge feel free:) I am starting tomorrow! Update to follow!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Gettin some New Ink:)
I am getting some new ink on wednesday with one of the ladies at work.....She has been talking about wanting to go get her FIRST tattoo at the age of 60 and wanted someone to go with her........Me getting the springtime itch I always do, volunteered! LOL I have decided that I am getting the medical Symbol (top pic) on the inside outer edge of the underside of my right wrist.....Bout the size of a nickel to symbolize me as a nurse and I am trying to decide between the 2 horseshoe pictures for the top of my right foot, any suggestions as to which one you personally like better will be greatly appreciated:)
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