Monday, February 7, 2011


Else out there been EXTREMELY tired and exhausted???? I am assuming it is the weather, but it also could be my stressful job..........Maybe the fact that the sun never shines, its cold, dreary.....ya know......same old story.......Off to walk for an hour at Western High School!


  1. I'm extremely tired and exhausted. My job is stressful as hell lately. It's worse when you have assholes undermining you to your boss but being so helpful to your face. I don't know what they think, but I'm not about that shit.

    I have no respect for back stabbers. It's un-necessary. It will be fun tomorrow when I talk to my boss and call these people out on all their shit and I have the info to back it up.
    I'm venting. It really pissed me off today. But at least I can use it at the gym for momentum tonight :)

  2. So I guess its in the air then....Even in DC........Whew!
