This was a little harder to decide what to use.....I stand for MANY things but Mando is the most recent thing on my list of things I stand for.........After 11 days in the month of January of being Mandated at work for 16 long agonizing hours, I contacted the Michigan Nurses Association and filed a grieveance in regards to this issue.......In the work due to my persistance is: Rotate Mando! Instead of mandating the least senior employee ( Which is me....I lost ALL senority at the facitilty for bettering myself and getting my RN license..........Grrrrrr This topic irritates me!
I think mandation is the wrong way to go. Obviously, if they have to mandate, then the management is obviously not doing their jobs and hiring the help to cover the shifts. This is a problem.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I believe it leads to a higher turnover rate and you lose good nurses who have been loyal to you, but that loyalty goes out the window when you make them virtual prisoners at their job. It's cheaper to hire someone new as opposed to paying the overtime for the people you mandate who probably have been there a while and make a significant amount of money. This is common sense and good managers should see this. However, from experience for me, most people who are over me in management are not qualified for what they do but they know someone so they got the job.
Plus, the mandating the lower man on the totem pole is Bull sh*t and one of many reasons I say EFF unions.
Yes.....All this stuff has been proven but facilities DONT CARE as long as they have that warm body there filling their state mandated quota...........Grrrr This topic pisses me off!