Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today was my day off.....My only day off till the weekend.....We got power back yesterday so I came right home without attending the gym as I had planned to start clean up my mess of a house due to the walking through it with muddy, wet, snowy shoes in a scramble to pack the necessities to stay at Chads parents and get up and around for work the next day......So I started with the upstairs which was not as messy and finished that....Then my step dad decided to come over and rewire the furnace to accept a generator for the next power outage.  I was overly exhausted after this so I took a hot bubble bath and went to bed....No weigh in yesterday and no tracking and following the diet for over 4 days.....So.....I started back strict today, cleaned the whole downstairs and rearranged the furniture:) Then I decided to goto the Tanner and the tanner the lady at the desk said, " I have to ask this.....Are you losing weight??" After confirming yes she then said, " I can really tell! Your face and neck is where I can really see it but the rest of you is always bundled up cause of the winter!" This was my first NSV of the day....Off to the gym I go!:)
So today I ran....I repeat ran....for a mile and a half!!! I can do a 10 minute mile....I dont know if that is good? OR horrible? But I did it!:)

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